The Cyber Scout aka Stealth Cyberman has been one of the rare characters seen in the Doctor Who universe.  Not sure why they did not continue with the theme because it made so much sense at the time.  They were perfect for story and could have been expanded so much more!

I wanted to have at least one classic Cyberman in my collection of cosplay for conventions but wanted one that was not as popular.  Until my Cyber Scout I had only seen maybe 1-2 others and they were in the UK. (Now there are maybe 3-4 in the UK, still only me in the US).  The Cyber Scout was only in one show, but was seen multiple times.

My build is almost from scratch.  The helmet and chest piece were cast from a friend’s mould. After i cleaned it up I had to modify it slightly by sanding the inner arms of the chest piece. Us Americans are not as thin as our UK friends, so I needed to make room to get my shoulders up into piece and not have it sitting so high my mask had my eyes at my forehead (Yes, that will happen).  Of course, as you gain weight this happens too, so hopefully if you ever decide on this version of cyberman, you stay about the same size once you finish or you may have to add extensions in the shoulder area or a hinge of sorts.

the beginning        OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


After the fitting seemed to go okay, I scuffed it up so primer and paint would stick to it and set it off to the side. Time to get the suit going.  The suit is actually not as hard as it looks, but it is time consuming. The suit starts out as a boiler suit or coverall.  I highly recommend the button version, not the zipper.  You will thank me later, trust me.  The suit has to be broken down to the basics.  By that I mean, no pockets, no elastic, no belt loops, nothing.  The button closure can stay which makes life easier when wearing after it is done unless you want to install velcro or some other type of closing device.

You will need two sizes of clear tubing, or as I like to just say, fish hose. Clothes line (old stuff seen in the 70s mostly, but still available at hardware stores) plastic card (optional really, but need something rigid attach clothes line to fish tube) netting, cotton cloth and copydex (or material/cloth glue).  Sounds like a crazy mess of stuff, but all of that will give you a look like you see on my suit before I covered it in latex.

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Suit - CU rt arm      Suit - front     Suit - back

Oh, you will need a dryer hose for the back too.  The one that is a drain hose and looks like crinkle fries. That is used for the hoses to connect into and wraps around into the chest plate which you can see on the final picture. The netting if user preference since the original will never be found.  Really, unless you live in the UK and search under every rock, you won’t find it. The closest I could get was lacrosse stick netting.  I had to get new because I was running out of time, but I highly recommend used if you go this route because it will hold the shape you want better before latex is placed on the suit. I even washed the nets a few times, but still they wanted to close up on me and I did not want to glue them in place to the point the arm was stiff.  The lacrosse nets also look very, very nice once latex dries. They stand out very well. The boots are Canadian military snow boots.and the gloves I found off eBay.  I have yet to find a perfect glove for this suit, but as long as it is close, it should be fine.

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The final product, the Cyber Scout at TimeGate 2013.  My Australian Shepherd, Qanuk, wanted to take part so was a Cyber Shade.  I think he was a bigger hit than me!