Not often can we admit we made absolutely nothing in regards to any of our costumes or props.  However, with 501st Legion there are a few outfits you can be approved with without having to put much work into it.   While we like to share our builds here, we also enjoy sharing info and tips here as well.

One of the outfits you can do, if you are lucky, is Grand Moff Tarkin (or a Line Officer if you make a hat).  The Line and Staff Officer uniforms from Cosplay Sky, Star Wars, Deluxe version, are made to 501st specifications. If going for a generic Line Officer, do NOT order the hat. It is not the quality for approval. Instead, order extra yard of fabric and download the hat pattern for free online and make your own.  A few other items will be needed to stiffen the hat.  The reason I say “if you are lucky” is measurements can be hit or miss sometimes due to language barrier and hardly ever get the same person making suits.  I ordered my suit by giving Cosplay Sky the exact measurements in mm, and not pulling the tape measure tight, but just enough to get accurate measurement. I gave more measurements then asked for to make sure I had the most accurate measurements possible. The suits can be ordered anywhere from $70-$140

The officer boots can be found off ebay and are normally shipped from Russia.  They are considered riding boots and the exact look can be found by looking at the 501st uniform regulations. Depending on your size, shipping and availability $50-170

The uniform belt and officer rank bar can be made pretty easily, or you can order from members of the 501st who provide the items at a very reasonable price.   Uniform belts are made from leather and take some basic craftsmanship. Depending on where you are able to source leather and how you decide to get the belt buckle expect this to be around $40 or more.   Rank bars depending on the rank you go with will be at least $20

The tubes in the chest pockets are radiation tubes.  They can be remade from chalk holders or for a more exact replica, a 501st member in Italy sells an almost perfect replica.  A few have tried to find the radiation tubes, however they are extremely rare and just one can run upwards of $500.  If you shop around or make your own you can expect to spend around $15 and up since not all officers need four tubes.

Line Officers have to have the hat but Grand Moff Tarkin has to have a white dress shirt.  There are of course other options if you so choose. But for this project, we went with the general standards, no extras.

Beyond that, to be approved, you must have grey hair and try to age yourself as Grand Moff Tarkin was older and his face had an almost deathly apperance with his high well pronounced cheekbones.  If you are like me, this is pretty much impossible to accomplish because you have a fat, chipmunk cheek face.   In addition, outside and inside makeup can have completely different looks as you see here.


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