Light Years?

Been a pretty long time since an update. So why? Well, honestly, because I (Devlin) have been busy working during the day and earning my MBA at night. So not much free time, especially if...

Project Mandalorian Mercs

With the push to move away from Doctor Who some, we have decided to join the Mandalorian Mercs.  It is going to be a challenge since our goal is to have two complete and approved...

DC and Marvel Comics Inspired

This year as promised on the Facebook page, the goal is to expand beyond Doctor Who.  The plan is to attend DragonCon later in the year with new outfits to include Arrow Season 1 and...

The web and 2015

With all the changes in 2015 one of the most challenging for me is having a website.  I normally update Facebook daily, but the website I want to keep more streamlined and with just a...

13th Cyber Legion Founded

Many people don’t know the story behind the 13th Cyber Legion.  It started in 2011 when I was building my Cyber Leader.  I was watching the new series of Doctor Who with Matt Smith as...