Many people don’t know the story behind the 13th Cyber Legion.  It started in 2011 when I was building my Cyber Leader.  I was watching the new series of Doctor Who with Matt Smith as the Doctor and while laboring away on one of the parts and watching “A Good Man Goes to War” episode I was delighted beyond belief that what was once the Cybus Industries Cyberman was actually a current time line Cyberman.  It had a different chest logo/plate, but it was still the same build.  I had been holding off on the chest logo of my build to try and incorporate a speaker into it so now I had two reasons….a proper chest piece and a speaker holder!  Don’t get me wrong, “The Age of Steel” was a fine show, but I did not like the idea of a human creating cybermen.

Anyway…  I wanted a back story in case I was asked.  I decided that since there was a 12th Cyber Legion in “A Good Man Goes to War” I was going to have the 13th Cyber Legion monitor the North American quadrant. It followed with the show and gave me the story I needed.  At the convention I explained myself as I did not want to be confused for a Cybus Industries model.  I made a facebook group page just to log my build process and get feedback from other builders who may have a lot more knowledge than I do on how to finish up some of my work with products I am not familiar with.  The page started to grow slowly, but at a steady pace.  Now the group is for all Cybermen builders in North America and I hope to continue to showcase their work on the 13th Cyber Legion website located at